This small triptych is on display at covered . discovered the exhibition of new work by Fellows of Designer Bookbinders and the Society of Scribes and Illuminators.
It started life as an experiment to discover what it was like to weave with narrow strips of vellum. I liked the basket-like weave it created and also the contrast between the vellum and the linens I was also using for the weft. The words are a kind of meditation on Remembrance and how I remember, not the detail of memories but words that reflect an overview of the process of remembering. The eccentric weave is part of that, memories are not usually regular or linear, instead the senses, in particular, recall moments, impressions, feelings. Vellum strips woven on the horizontal would form a regular grid, instead I wanted the irregular contrast if shape and texture that the juxtaposition of linen and vellum give.