
I’ve now completed five small woven altars and although they started off as individual pieces, they also work together so I’m thinking about how they might be combined into a single piece of work.

Lockdown has given time to think without the pressure of deadlines or teaching commitments - though I was looking forward to the workshops on quills and vellum, pen making and binding in wooden boards I had planned for ELI in Belgium and for West Dean. The subjects would be difficult to teach with social distancing in place - unless I used binoculars to see the detail of someone’s work! So I’m thinking about how the use of one-to-one online tuition might step in and how digital images and cameras could enable me, and those I’m helping, to see something up close.

There is more thinking to be done but in the meantime, if you are wanting one-to-one guidance about anything you might be specifically interested in that you think I can help with, please contact me.

These are made of linen and silks on cotton warps and the tallest is approximately 17cm square.

These are made of linen and silks on cotton warps and the tallest is approximately 17cm square.